Kenedy County Groundwater Conservation District | Kenedy County GCD

Other Information

Aquifer Formations

The Gulf Coast Aquifer underlies the District. It is a large, leaky aquifer system that spans along the Gulf of Mexico. The aquifer consists of interbedded deposits of sands, silt and clay. There are four major aquifer formations within the District: the Chicot, Evangeline, Burkeville and Jasper formations.


Contact Kenedy County GCD

General Manager
Andy Garza
P.O. Box 212
Sarita, Texas 78385
(361) 294-5336 - Phone
(361) 294-5244 - Fax

District Administrator
Leo Villarreal
100 E. Kleberg, Suite 304
P.O. Box 1433
Kingsville, Texas 78364-1433
(361) 592-9347 - Phone